Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Persian Family

Persian Family

Well-balanced cat with a sweet expression and soft. A large round eyes set wide apartin a large round head contribute to the overall look and expression. The long thick coat softens the lines of the cat and accentuates the roundness in appearance.
Round and massive. Round face.Well set on a short thick, round neck.
Nose :
Short,snub and broad.
Full. Muzzle not overly pronounced.
Broad and powerful
Full and well developed,firmly rounded reflecting a proper bite.
Ears :
Small, round tipped,tilted forward,and not unduly open at the base.
Brilliant in color,large, round and full.Sweet expression to the face.
of cobby type,low on the legs,broad and deep through the chest,equally massive across the shoulders and rump.Large or medium in size.
Legs :
Short, thick and strong.
Large, round and firm.
short but in proportion of the body lenght.
Long and thick. Fine texture, glossy and full of life.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

American Shor hair & Persian Smoke



This is the book you must grab. 'Complete Cat Training' has what the trainers have to offer. Train your cat in your home and safe your budget paying the trainers.
This book reveals everything you need to learn about cat. And at the end of the day I believe your cat will love you.

Cat's behavior will somehow disturb us, our friends and our neighbors. Exescissive meowing, howling, whining, disobedient, aggression issues and etc are the common issues and this book explains everything. Grab your copy here.

'Complete Cat Training' teaches you to:
-Fixing any cat behavior problem.
-Tips and secrets to use in your everyday cat obedience training
-Specific command
-The best way to select, buy and raise a new kittens or older cat.

'Complete cat Training' will train you to:
-Understand your cat
-Make cat understand our command
-Develop communication with your cat
-Stop territorial aggression
-Treat a FRUSTRATED cat
-Provide ESSENTIAL nutrients to keep cat at the best health
-Discover and teach cat to calm down

You'll get knowledge regards:
-Grooming problem
-How to stop cat from scratching and clawing
-Cat illness.
-Train cat to listen to almost command

This is the book the all the cat's lover wanted.I strongly advised to grab this book. Grab now here.

. You'll understand much better and the cat you'll love you.

Good Luck!
Make it 'My Cat Love Me'

click me!

Abbyssinian Profile

General :
Colorful cat with distinctly ticked coat, medium in size and regal in appearance. Lithe, hard and muscular. Well balanced temperamentally and physically.
Head :
Modified, slightly rounded wedge without flat planes: the brow, cheek, and profile lines all showing a gentle contour. A slight rise from the bridge of the nose to the forehead, which should be a good size, with width between the ears and flowing into the arched neck without a break.
Muzzle :
Not sharply pointed or square. The chin should be neither receding nor protruding. Allowing should be made for jowls in adult males.
Alert, large, and moderately pointed: broad, and cupped at base and set as though listening.
Eyes : almond shaped, large, brilliant, and expenssive. Eyes accentuated by fine dark line, encircled by light colored area.
Medium long, lither and graceful, but showing well developed muscular strenght without coarseness.
Legs and feet :
Proportionately slim, fine boned. Paws small, oval, and compact. Toes: five in front and four behind.
Tail :
Thick at base, fairly long and tapering.
Coat :
Soft, silky, fine in texture but dense and resilient to the touch with a lustrous sheen.

Why my cats love me?

There are some rules you have to follow when choosing a cat. Then, you'll find easier to make them love you.
Before further a do, you have to think over the disadvantages and advantages of having ones. Long-haired fur cat or otherwise, female or male, type of breeds suit you and last but not least is your own budget.
Kittens are easier to take care and still to be taught to use the litter box. When they get older, they would turn to be either passive or aggressive depending on their breeds and gender. Female cats are easier to handle rather than male. Behavioral of both genders is totally different. But, male cat can turn almost like females when they are sterilized.
Meanwhile the old cats may bring bad habits like using the litter box are not easy to get rid of.
Cats are mans great companion. They can improve the quality of our life. So, why wait? Get it one! Get it love you!
Get them love you now?
Not so fast.
There are some rules you have to follow when choosing a cat. Then, you'll find it easier to make them love you.
a) Gender of cat
Female or male.
b) Cat Breeds
Several of cats breed. Abyssinian, American Bobtail, American Curl, American Shorthair, Balinese, Javanese, Birman, Burmese, Egyptian Mau, European Burmese, Somali, Sphynx, Persian, Raggamuffin, Turkish and etc.
c) Cat’s age.
d) Budget
Cost of veterinary, diets, trainings and grooms.
So, have you thought to have 'my cat loves me'? It is our responsibility when having a cat. Everything counts! Make it 'my cat loves me'.

Cat lover.